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Saint Catherine (Agia Ekaterini) at Plaka

Saint Catherine (Agia Ekaterini) at Plaka

At the picturesque neighborhood of Plaka, where the ancient past meets the Byzantine times and blends harmoniously with the present, yet another unique temple which is built over an ancient one welcomes and captivates the visitor. The 11th-century church of St. Catherine at the intersection of Herefondos and Lysikratous streets, is since 1767 a Dependency (Metochi) of the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. The visiting Sinai fathers found here,...

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Kapnikarea: the 11th-century masterpiece of Byzantine ecclesiastical art in Athens

Kapnikarea: the 11th-century masterpiece of Byzantine ecclesiastical art in Athens

The small church in the center of Athens known as Kapnikarea is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and is located at the busy Ermou street which during the summer months, weekends and holidays, is full of life. Kapnikarea is a major meeting place for Greek and foreign visitors. However, very few know and even fewer visit the Byzantine church that splits Ermou street and "belongs" to the...

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A great church - UNESCO monument opens its doors to the public after decades of "stillness"

A great church - UNESCO monument opens its doors to the public after decades of "stillness"

The church of Agios Demetrios at Palatitsia, Aigai, Prefecture of Hemathia, the holy city of Macedonia and former ancient capital, is open to the public after decades of silence. Agios Demetrios at Palatitsia has been rebuilt with architectural elements from the royal palace of Philip II at the location of a Byzantine cemetery in the 16th century AD. The church is characterized by its lavish wall paintings and its well-maintained...

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“Mosaic Harmony” at the Byzantine and Christian Museum

“Mosaic Harmony” at the Byzantine and Christian Museum

  Timea Karkiss creates mosaics, imaginative and contemporary artworks, from natural stones and glass paste crafted by the hand, by applying the classical technique of the Roman and Byzantine times. Her works are characterized by an intense, personal character, the selection of bright colors and the distinct grain texture. The mosaics exhibition presented at the Byzantine and Christian Museum until November 22, includes artworks from the past 15 years. Timea...

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Antonia Moropoulou has been awarded for her work in the restoration of the Tomb of Christ

Antonia Moropoulou has been awarded for her work in the restoration of the Tomb of Christ

  Mrs. Moropoulou, Professor at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), was awarded the international Restoration of Monuments Award Giuseppe Sciacca 2019, for the study, the design and the restoration of the Edicule of the Tomb of Christ in the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Prof. Moropoulou, who headed a team of 50 distinguished scientists, among which Prof. Manolis Korres, School of Architecture - NTUA, Prof. Andreas...

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The Church of Archangels Michael and Gabriel in Chios

The Church of Archangels Michael and Gabriel in Chios

The church of “Megalos Taxiarchis” (which means Big Archangel in Greek) is the biggest church of Chios and one of the biggest in Greece and is located where the central tower of the Genovese at the castle once stood. In the past, there was an older church of the Archangels with the name "Palios Taxiarchis" (meaning Old Archangel in Greek). The initial temple was completed in 1868. The modern, new...

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Four Fathers from Mount Athos were declared Saints by decision of the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Four Fathers from Mount Athos were declared Saints by decision of the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Elder Joseph the Hesychast and Spileotis, Elder Ephraim Katounakiotis, Elder Ieronymos of Simonopetra, and Elder Daniel Katounakiotis: The names of these four Athonite Fathers will be entered in the canon of the Church, according to the announcement of His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew during his official visit to Mount Athos. The announcement was welcomed with great joy and emotion by the Athonites since according to his Holiness "Saintliness is...

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Agios Dimitrios Church in Thessaloniki

Agios Dimitrios Church in Thessaloniki

The church was built in the mid 5th century AD, at the location where St. Demetrius martyred and is one of the most important monuments of Thessaloniki, a jewel of historical, architectural and religious value. The five-aisled basilica with vertical aisle, double lofts for women and long double rows with columns, was destroyed twice by fire, in the 7th century and in 1917 (August 5-6). Shortly after the fall of...

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