PlaceholderOctober 10: This year, World Mental Health Day – Christianity Art
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October 10: This year, World Mental Health Day is dedicated to "Suicide Prevention"

Each year, October 10 is dedicated to Mental Health. On this day, hundreds of scientific organizations and patients’ organizations join their forces to raise awareness about mental diseases, for their prevention, for the avoidance of stigmatization of those who suffer from a mental disease, and for its treatment. Patients should address themselves to specialist doctors and should follow their treatment. Mental diseases, just like physical diseases, can be diagnosed and treated, as long as people do not hide away and visit the experts. 

This year, the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) has dedicated this day to the "Prevention of Suicide", a behavior that has gradually increased during the last decades in all the countries of the world and has reached extremely alarming levels. Suicide may be prevented and can be treated with the help of different scientific fields of study, such as philosophy, religion, medicine, sociology, and psychology. 

Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents is an extremely worrying phenomenon for our societies, yet entirely justifiable due to the acts of extreme violence, sexual, physical and mental abuse of children from an early age but also incidents of cyberbullying. 

We all have a tremendous responsibility to react as a whole and in an organized manner against this behavior and help in its prevention. It is absolutely imperative that all governments make prevention a priority issue, through public health facilities. After all, suicidal behavior can be avoided, and this is perhaps the most promising message to be kept in mind and the one we should use to plan our future actions. 

In our country, there are dozens of events planned this year, focused on this purpose. Be informed and become part of the solution. Find out about all the events planned near you.παγκόσμια-ημέρα-ψυχικής-υγείας-δράση/

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