Byzantine Icons: A miracle of Art and Faith

Orthodox icons, icons of Christ, the our Holy Lady Theotokos (Panagia) and the Saints, are considered a timeless and the most unwavering bridge that unites man with God. What is it that differentiates the art of byzantine iconography from other types of religious art or techniques that have been used throughout time, such as for example renaissance art? Why do Orthodox icons have an inner power and are full of positive energy? Why do they release a spirituality which can make people’s faith stronger, while other times they heal or perform unique miracles? What is it that makes the icons of Christ, of Virgin Maryand of the Saints magnificent, not just as artistic items, but also and most importantly as spiritual reference points of the faithful?
The answer is quite simple: Icons are the means that bring the faithful a step closer to the depicted person, either that being Christ, Virgin Mary or the Saints. Artists approach iconography in a meticulous way: for example when they illustrate the portrayed person’s features, sentiments and expressions, making the icon is the ideal mediator between the Holy and the faithful. The forms and shapes created in byzantine iconography inspire spirituality, with the Saints looking strict but merciful, with a hint of a smile, but never with secular expression. The gold leaf background helps give icons a feel of transcendence that manages to isolate the form from the earthly surrounding.
Byzantine iconography is at the heart of spirituality in the orthodox tradition. It has nothing to do with the realism of the Western religious art, that shows naturalistic beautiful faces, those of the models used by the artist. On the contrary, byzantine icons aim to present the spiritual side of things, a sanctified approach of the material world. Furthermore, the style of Byzantine iconography is poetical, transcendental. Icons are not photographs, as the iconographer strives to bring out the holiness of the depicted Saint. The artist focuses less on the outer characteristics (facial or of the body), and more on how to convey the spirit of the portrayed person. The iconographer avoids to confer his personal feelings or ideas. Otherwise, icons would not be of a liturgical use to the faithful.
Properties of an Orthodox Icon
Christianity Art ensures the genuine continuation of the traditional practices found in Orthodox byzantine iconography. For more than 40 years, our artists have been creating icons of Christ, our Lady Theotokos and the Saints, in the same manner, following the footsteps of the first byzantine iconographers.
Our products are true masterpieces from a technical aspect, created by artists that consistently stick to the rules of the byzantine iconography tradition. Sketches and drawings, that are used as templates for the icons, are created based on the tradition that originates in the byzantine era. This way we ensure not only the beauty, but the theological correctness as well.
Renouncing the ego in the Light of the Truth; this is our way to achieve uniqueness and authenticity. A common characteristic of our collections is the absence of shadow. Everything bathes in light, the Uncreated Light that exists outside of time and space. That is why artistic features like perspective, human forms and sizes, or historic facts are relative. The icon of Nativity for example, consists of a few scenes depicted together, such as the nativity of Christ, angels announcing the news to shepherds, the wise men bearing gifts etc. From a chronological point of view, these scenes did not take place at the same time. However, they are depicted together.

The Ritual of Iconography
Not just the faithful, but collectors too from all around the world, (i.e. USA, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia, Russia, as well most of the prominent religious centres) own a handmade icon of unique artistic quality that combines both historical and religious authenticity, and bears the seal of Christianity Art. For our colleagues, iconographers and technicians alike, all stages of the process, from accepting an order, all the way to delivering the end result, are deemed a ritual that produces religious art.
On our webpage, you can search, find, and order items of art or liturgical items with all the certifications required to ensure that you possess an exclusive item worth of its value. The item will be delivered to you, wherever you are.
Unique Material
Combining premium raw materials, such as canvas, wood, and silver, together with our knowledge and expertise, we create true masterpieces from the smallest to the most demanding in terms of size or materials used.
These pieces of art, either smaller or larger, – icons, gospel books, engolpion and pectoral crosses and other liturgical objects – showcase the successful course of the company for the past 4 decades, positioning Christianity Art among the leading artistic workshops in the world, able to produce museum copies.
In our workshop, a gorgeous bioclimatic building in Athens overlooking the Acropolis, one can find all different art techniques needed to create an icon. The journey begins at the Design section of the workshop, responsible for creating a layout, based either on an original object or on religious facts passed down to us through tradition.
The Carpentry section of our workshop then takes the lead in cutting and preparing the wooden medium, in a plethora of shapes and sizes, to pass it on the Silkscreen printing department. This is where the assembly of all the layers, including the hand-painted elements, takes place, in order to produce the final print.
The end result, always characterized by historic and religious correctness, then goes to the Silversmithing section. There, an icon is dressed in silver! It is a process during which a layer of silver, full of handcrafted ornaments, is secured on the front side of an icon. These are designed and created by our skilled craftsmen, who are also responsible for adding Swarovski crystals where and when needed. Icons are then passed on to the Sales Department.
Our icons have been tested through time, not just by ourselves, but more importantly by the thousands of our customers who own them. The varnish and the artificial ageing process have proved to be an excellent final protective layer against the deterioration caused through time.
If it was not for the pioneering attitude of the founders, the artistic proficiency of the technicians and the organized production line of work, Christianity Art would not have been able to hold the No1 position in the international market. Always ensuring the high quality and accuracy of the end result, we promise to deliver unique handcrafted products of our reputable brand that cannot be copied.
Fine quality with high specs
The Christianity Art eShop is the largest company that produces icons in the world. With more than 40 years of experience in the field, our deep knowledge of the art of iconography, the use of fine quality materials, and our technical proficiency promises to offer you a piece of art true to the Orthodox tradition.